Shoulder Injury

The shoulder is a complex joint - it comprises of the ball and socket (gleno-humeral joint) that we all know about. 

Did you know that the socket is actually the outer edge of the shoulder blade (scapula)?

The shoulder has a significant reliance on muscular support for its function - this requires the highest degree of training to analyse.

It takes a highly skilled and highly experienced practitioner to firstly diagnose the specific pathology and breakdown your individual contributions to your injury.

The pain may not be coming from the shoulder itself - it could be coming from referred pain, compression or traction on neural structures or from muscular dysfunction, which causes poor biomechanics. 

Whilst at the AIS, we explored writing a textbook and I wrote the shoulder chapter (all research justified or as we say 'evidence- based'), so you can rest assured at Melbourne Physio Clinic, your shoulder pain will be in the best care in Melbourne.


Lumbar Disc Pain


Ankle Injuries